CYBERSECURITY: Geopolitics and Cybersecurity: Exploring the Intersection


By: Iain Fraser — Cybersecurity Journalist/CYBERinsights GEÓ
Daily Geopolitical Insights

CYBERSECURITY: Geopolitics and Cybersecurity: Exploring the Intersection

Geopolitics and Cybersecurity are two interconnected fields that intersect in today’s digital world. Geopolitics refers to the study of how geography and politics influence each other, while cybersecurity involves measures taken to protect computer systems and networks from cyber threats. Understanding the relationship between geopolitics and cybersecurity is crucial in order to navigate the complex landscape of the digital age.

Understanding Geopolitics and Cybersecurity

Geopolitics is the study of how geography and politics intersect. It examines how geographical factors, such as natural resources, borders, and strategic location, shape political decisions and international relations. Cybersecurity, on the other hand, focuses on protecting computer systems and networks from cyber threats. Geopolitics and Cybersecurity are interconnected fields with overlapping concerns, as the digital realm has become an integral part of geopolitical strategies and international relations. Register Free to receive this story direct to your inbox or smart device.

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